This is the first paragraph under the number 6 on p. 181. This is the 6th section of the chapter entitled "In the Years of Misfortune and Anguish."
The first thing that we did after leaving the cellar was to breathe
in a little fresh air. Spending three days in terribly cramped and
crowded conditions, without bread or water, had totally exhausted us.
Now we ran out of town. The further away from this place, where those
closest to us had in the last few days been murdered in such cruel ways,
the better. Other individuals began to crawl out of their various
hiding places, and when we encountered them, we told each other whatever
news we knew. I learned that in the last attack the following Jews
had died: Isaac Vansover, along with his wife and children;
Soreh Vansover; Khave Elbaum; her mother;
the Aldok brothers and their families; Dovid, Hershl-Mekhl and
Libe Flude; Ester-Dvoyre Flude and her mother. (The youngest
son, Leybl Flude, escaped at that time, but later died in the woods.)
Michael Tobin
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